

Monday, 26 December 2011

The World's Largest and Heaviest Plane

  This is Antonov An-225 Mriya, one the biggest flying object that man have ever build. The AN-225 has 32 wheels and the wings span 291 feet wide (88.4 meters to be precisely). The Payload is 250,000 kg and it can carry up to 640,000 kg weight while the aircraft flying. It has max speed 850 km/hour and it can airlift Buran space shuttle/ Energia rocket’s boosters easily on the back.

    The giant aircraft is part of Soviet space program and it was first flown in 21 December 1988. As size comparison, The Antonov An-225 is larger than any American aircraft/Boeing product such as Airbus A380, Boeing 747 Large Cargo Freighter, and Lockheed C-5 Galaxy.
The maximum gross weight of the plane is 640 tonnes and so far only 1 active AN-225 available in the planet. Because of the unique ability to airlift huge size materials and supplies, the aircraft was often employed by other country such as Canadian and US government to transport large military supplies to their armies in Middle East. In 2004, Antonov AN-225 earned Guinness Book of Record award because of its 240 active roles in International issues. This award was referred by FAI/ Federation Aeronautique Internationale

                                          the small scale of the gaint :)
